Welcome on board!

Convening a comCensus is simple

To begin, please register by completing the form below:

Your name as Convener

  • Your/your organization's name, or a nickname.
  • It can be more than one word (max 30 characters).
  • You can later choose whether to display your name as teh convener of a quesiton, or remain anonymous for that question.

Your email

  • You will need this email to login.
  • Email will be verified after submission.


  • Minimum 10 characters, mixing numbers and letters

Your public URL (optional)

  • Link to a personal page, company website, social media profile.
  • If you choose to show it, this will appear in your discussion page or profile, to let people find out more about you/your company.

A bit more about you (optional)

  • A short note to presents yourself to comCensus participants and the public.

Profile image (optional)

  • A picture of you, or a symbol or logo.

Not a leader but a user who received a code to join a discussion? go here